Lusso Austria
Ceiling lighting | Sidelights | Floor lighting | Modular floors | Acoustic walls

Lusso Austria

One of the biggest and probably most interesting projects ever… and how did it all start? The customer contacted us a few months before the first visit with a request for a light tunnel to be built in Vienna. Since we were just about to introduce our new light tunnel model, we offered it to him and the customer nodded – he liked our vision and the fact that he would have something that no one else had – that’s just what we care about and that’s also one of the reasons why we don’t have a classic e-shop. We always try to make everything tailored to the customer and their needs. So the customer has agreed that the implementation will take place in the next few months. After about 3 months we finally got the green light and so we started the actual preparation and delivery of the tunnel with complete assembly.

When we arrived at the big hall, we were overwhelmed by its size and our “big” tunnel seemed quite lonely in it :) So we started with a discussion with the customer, presenting samples of our other products and options. The customer was interested in our flooring and acoustic panels, so he asked for samples and said he would think about it. Over the next few weeks, he asked us for an on-site consultation and for a complete delivery of 350 m2 of flooring and acoustic panels. We specified the colours and quantities of both products on site and then gave him a quote.

But since some time has passed since the tunnel was installed, on that last visit we presented our next innovation to the customer – the built-in lighting in our floor. The customer was thrilled and immediately agreed to incorporate it into the acoustic panels and flooring in designated locations. He confirmed the quote, everything was to his satisfaction and we moved on to the actual two-day implementation.

Laying the floor and installing the acoustic panels… that was the easy part. Then came the recessed lighting, dozens of metres of LED strips, hundreds of metres of cabling, control units and lots of other parts that we had to connect together.

We finished the installation half an hour after midnight, handed over the hall, which had changed beyond recognition, and said goodbye to a positive customer. He looked like he was going to sleep there and enjoy his new workshop :)

But who would have thought we’d end here, unfortunately… :) The next day the phone rang – you’d think there was a problem. But on the contrary, we are excited and want to add more ceiling lighting.

So we went back to the design, dimensions and placement. We confirmed everything and went back to Vienna. As is our custom, we solve the small details on site during installation and consult everything with the client.

This time we finished a little earlier and in the afternoon we handed over the space, which we finished down to the last detail – 350 m2 of floor with workstation markings, acoustic panels with built-in lighting divided into 3 separate circuits, each assigned to one of the workstations. Lighting built into the floor in the entrance and at the back, a light tunnel and of course ceiling lighting divided into 5 circuits.

In terms of customer satisfaction with the result, there is probably nothing to add. It certainly hasn’t been the last time we’ve met him and we’re already planning something new together.

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Other realizations


Der Preis für die Installation kann nicht in den Gesamtpreis der Beleuchtung eingerechnet werden, da er immer von vielen Faktoren abhängt. Etwa von der Deckenhöhe, der Deckenbeschaffenheit, der Art der Befestigung (direkt in der Decke/auf Litzen), der Bereitschaft des Stromnetzes, den Anforderungen an die Verteilung auf mehrere Stromkreise und nicht zuletzt vom Installationsort.

95 % unserer Produkte sind so hergestellt, dass jeder, der ein wenig mehr Geschick hat, sie selbst installieren kann. Sie brauchen keine Werkzeuge und keine Erfahrung mit elektrischen Betriebsmitteln und elektrischem Anschuss, um die Beleuchtung in die endgültige Form zusammenzubauen. Alles ist über Schnellverbinder verbunden. Wir geben Ihnen Anleitung und unbegrenzten 24/7-Support. Wenn Sie ein Beleuchtungsset für Ihre Werkstatt bestellen, brauchen Sie unseren Montageservice nicht in Anspruch zu nehmen.

Das ist etwas, was die meisten Konkurrenten nicht anbieten, und der gesamte Service endet damit, dass die Rechnung für die Beleuchtung ausgestellt wird. Wenn Sie an einem Komplettservice von A bis Z interessiert sind, d.h. von der Auswahl der Beleuchtung über die Installation bis hin zur Inbetriebnahme und Anpassung des Stromnetzes, dann sind wir für Sie da. Wir freuen uns, wenn Sie uns Ihre Ideen anvertrauen und wir werden Sie durch den gesamten Prozess bis zur Endphase begleiten.

Alle unsere Produkte sind direkt für den Anschluss an 230V vorbereitet. Natürlich ist es besser, wenn Sie über grundlegende elektrotechnische Kenntnisse verfügen, aber am besten wenden Sie sich an eine örtliche Elektrofachkraft. Dabei unterscheidet sich der Anschluss nicht von dem jeder anderen Deckenleuchte. Es ist immer notwendig, dass Sie uns zuerst anrufen und sich beraten lassen.